Sunday, December 11, 2011

Presa Canario or Other Pets May Be The Best Gift to Give This Holiday Season

 It’s the holiday season and that means gift shopping is in full effect.  There are certain gifts that can be wrapped up and placed under a tree and there there are those that can’t be.  Some are intangible- giving someone a dedication or even planting tree in someone’s honor for example.  Some have a bow and scamper across the floor, like a Presa Canario or an animal.  The gift of a pet creates perpetual happiness.
  Giving an animal to a child is a time honored tradition for the holidays.  Responsibility, respect and nurture are important virtues and modalities that a person learns overtime.  Parents are told to push their children to be better humans; as a parent it is your duty to teach your children the value of their own responsibilities an taking care of a pet is a good first step, whether it is a Presa Canario puppy,  a bearded lizard or a bird.  Taking care of an animal leaves an idea of parenting and a nurturing of another before you.  This is a big task.  Selflessness is not the average trait of a child.

 Children typically ask for a puppy when they’re young and their parents always say “When you’re older.”  The truth is that the parents hope that the child forgets about it.  Some children do tend for forget about the ownership of a pet, but others ask year after year.  The principles that they can learn from pet ownership can be intangibly life changing.

Before throwing around the idea of a pet, here are a few tips:
·         Think about the kind of animal that YOU are okay with
·         What size animal could live comfortably in your home
o   Fish sized- 2-5 inches in an in-closed aquarium
o   Cat sized- 12-30 inches and 10 pounds
o   Dog- anywhere between 2 inches  and 6 pounds (Chihuahua) or 20-27 inches tall and 150 pounds ( Presa Canario )
This Holiday Season may be the one where you decide to give in to your child’s wants and longing for a pet, maybe a Presa Canario puppy for sale. It will teach them responsibility and unadulterated love for a pet of their own. 

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